Today Jack and Mom traveled to the Museum of Natural History to see the Insect Zoo and the Butterfly House.
To get to the bugs, we had to pass through a room of bones and skeletons. Jack found this room to be awesome and ran around it pointing and shouting at me to look at all of the different things.
Jack looking at bones. |
"Mom, do you see these things?" Note Jack's finger in the air. |
More running and pointing and squealing. |
And then we got to the bugs, which was our reason for going to the museum. The staff had a bunch of different varieties for kids and parents alike to hold. All were super big and very gentle.
Jack and a beetle. |
At one point the staff tried to hand Jack a caterpillar to hold. A big fat, probably not hungry caterpillar - it is Thursday so I believe the caterpillar is supposed to eat through four plums strawberries today. Jack just wanted to squish it. So when the museum staff took it back from him he cried. Ahhh, the toddler tantrum.
After the insect zoo, we made our way over to the Butterfly House. This is a really neat place where tons of butterflies are housed in a large greenhouse with every single type of flower imaginable. You even need to go through special double doors to make sure no butterflies hitchhike out on your clothes when you exit. The butterfly staff handed us a paintbrush with a butterfly to hold because we were not allowed to hold the butterfly in our hands due to the risk of damaging their wings. After our incident at the Insect Zoo, chances are Jack would have tried to squish the beautiful butterflies as well.
Mom and Jack holding a butterfly. |
Can you spot the butterflies? |
Jack staring at the butterflies hanging out on the flowers. |
All in all, not a bad Thursday morning in the life of Jack, the urban baby.
What a great way to spend time