Peanut allergy

Tonight, we went to dinner in one of the hotel restaurants. Everything was going great - Jack was being his awesome self and enjoying cheesy eggs, french bread, and french fries (pomme frites) and enjoying being at dinner with mom and dad, who were very much enjoying their french wine. Then, we noticed something odd on Jack's face. Is that a rash? Is he breaking out? We asked the server, "what are the fries cooked in?" fearing the worst. Sure enough, the answer was "peanut oil" (first said to us in French, which we did not understand, and sought translation from the Irish chef). While Jack did not break out terribly, the area around his mouth became irritated, blotchy and red each time he ate a french fry. When he moved on to other foods, the redness gradually went away. This picture was taken a few minutes after he stopped eating fries, so the irritation is not nearly as bad as it was moments before the photo was taken. Michael is most sad - he was really looking forward to sharing his favorite food, peanut butter, with Jack. Maybe the allergy will go away?
