School and Soccer

We are back to school and soccer and all the things that keep our lives so busy.

At Jack's favorite ice cream parlor in town - Ice Cream Jubilee! The owner is a friend of ours, and every time Victoria is there he gets extra large scoops of his favorites - chocolate and vanilla with plenty of rainbow sprinkles.

Crazy hair day at school. One of the little girl's in Jack's class said "Jack is so rock'n roll".

We have an Au Pair living with us this year to watch Jack and his soon to be baby brother. Diana is from Colombia and has been a wonderful addition to our family. 

Jack went to the White House and Secret Service gave Jack one of President Obama's apples to eat as a snack. Straight from the oval office to Jack's mouth!

Jack's thoughts on the press room at the White House - also because I would not let him eat the President's apple yet.

Jack's soccer team is made up of his buddies from school. Here is Jack with two of his best friends, Oliver and Miles.  
Jack wanted to name his team the "Blue Balls" because the jersey is blue and they kick balls.
