4th Birthday Letter to Jack



Dear Jack,

I can’t believe another year has gone by.  Time now seems to be flying, only evident in how quickly you outgrow your pants and the expanded size of your car collection.

While we were in Disney this year, a good friend of mine who has three children sent me an email noting that while she wouldn’t change having three children, in a way she was slightly jealous of the relationship you and I get to have. It’s beyond close. It has been just you and me now for as long as you can remember. We have our system down. We are best friends.

You are still my baby. You will always be my baby. But you are a big guy now. You still hold my hand and still want to snuggle (or more accurately, sleep on top of me while grinding your teeth), but the baby in you is gone. You are turning into an amazing young man. One who is smart and inquisitive, one who still only eats cheese and bread products, and one whose imagination is only beginning to explore the world around him.

The night Max wore his wolf suit, he made mischief of one kind,
And another.

Of all of the ways you have grown and changed this year, the most amazing part to watch has been your imagination taking shape. The first night I read you “Where the Wild Things Are”, I watched as your eyes got as large as saucers and you became still and enveloped in the story. We read it three more times that night alone – you were mesmerized each and every time.

You make me read you “The Velveteen Rabbit” once a week, and line up your babies so they know what REAL is.  You love “The Book with No Pictures” and now laugh on cue at the silly words.

You have great comebacks and quips:

Jack: I want an iPhone
Mom: No. What are you going to do with an iPhone?
J: Call Mommy and text Daddy.
M: You don’t know how to spell.
J: J-A-C-K

Tou che. Jack:1, Maria:0

We traveled this year. Paris, Disney World, Detroit, and around DC. Our adventures are only continuing as you get older and we continue to explore the world around us.


You started a big guy school, because you are a big guy. You exclaim with glee when you recognize letters now on a sign or in a book. “Look Mom, it’s a K!” No one, not even a character on Sesame Street, has ever been so excited to see the letter “K” before.

There are moments that absolutely break my heart – and will continue for the rest of my life. My only hope is that you don’t see how hard I’m trying and how much I focus on making sure your happiness comes first. I am trying to be the best mom I can be to you -- the person who is there for you when you are sick, the person who teaches you important life lessons like how it is inappropriate to burp in public and how hard work and commitment are things that are important, and the person who will always love you unconditionally.

You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft.
And never mix up your right foot with your left.

And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)


 Dr. Seuss

Last night, on your birthday, you were still too excited to sleep. You ended up lying in my bed as I tried to calm you down, saying over and over “Mommy, I have to tell you something. I love you.” It was clear to me that you had felt so much love and happiness you were at a loss for words about the day, and this was the only way you could articulate it.

This has been my favorite age of all of your ages. You are inquisitive and fun. I love our conversations and the stories we tell each other. I love our life we have created together, you and me. We are a team. The MOMMY-JACK Team!

I love you!
 - Mom
