How Jack Eats an Ice Cream Cone

  1. Request an ice cream cone from mom.
  2. Demand ice cream in the cone. 
  3. When mom reminds you you don't like ice cream, insist that you do.
  4. Be reminded that you have to ask nicely for things, and rephrase request for ice cream politely.
  5. Watch mom put a little ice cream in cone and nicely request more than she is giving you.
  6. Start to eat cone from the bottom, farthest away from the ice cream.
  7. When you hit ice cream, begin to eat around the ice cream, removing chunks of the cone that are untouched by ice cream.
  8. When the ice cream becomes unavoidable, ask mom to eat the ice cream.
  9. Request that mom not eat the cone, just the ice cream.
  10. Once mom has eaten the ice cream from within the cone, proceed to finish the cone.
