Third Birthday Letter

Dear Jack,

It's that time of year again.  Birthday time!  This year more than ever you have waited with bated breath and anticipation for your birthday.  You get that with birthdays come cake.  You understand that people sing to you, you get to be the center of attention and blow out candles.  There are presents!  You have changed from a toddler to a little boy this year. The transformation is compete. You are a kid!

This year has been interesting, to say the least.  I could not have contemplated how much our lives would change this past year.  One day, when you are older, and with all of the benefits of hindsight and distance, we can talk about what transpired this year if you would like.

You are so special! You have two houses, and two cars, two beds, and lots of different toys and underwear! Most importantly, you have two parents who love you very much.

The primary objective this year has been for you to always know how loved you are, to have a stable home life, and to be happy and healthy. I think those objections were accomplished.   You are a lovely, amazing, smart, mischievous little boy who is full of wonder and spirit topped with a mop of curly blonde hair.  You get so excited when we walk up to our house 'Mommy and Jack's house!'.  You have a best friend (his name is Tommy), and love your dog with so much ferocity that it is infectious. I love you more than words can possibly express.  And so does your Dad.  We will always work together to have your best interests in mind and at heart.

There were lots of big changes this year.  I went back to work full time and this was the year Matthew came into your life.  He is an amazing Manny, and you are so fortunate to be able to spend your days with someone who has boundless energy and takes you all over the District teaching you and helping you grow.  Matthew has become an integral part of our modern family.

This was also the year you got an iPad, maybe not the best parenting move I have ever made, but hey, I'm a single working mom, somethings have to give.  And it is the way you are staying in bed right now having quiet time while I work.

We did not travel like we had in years past.  There was a trip to San Diego, a trip to New Hampshire and a trip to Ocean City, but aside from that and a few trips to Detroit, we stayed put.  But we are going to remedy that now! We head to Paris in a few short days.  We will continue to explore the world together, you and me, and take on new adventures as they come.

One request, please eat something more than just processed cheese and cheese pizza.  I know it is delicious, but a vegetable or two will not kill you.  It will help you grow strong!

And so my little boy, I cannot wait to see what this year brings.  For as much as I want you to stay as you are, right in this moment, still wanting to cuddle and put your head in that sweet spot on my shoulder, or hold my hand as we cross the street, I cannot wait to see how you grow.  You and I are a team, and while we are making it up as we go along, we are doing it together.

I love you.  Happy Birthday,

