Something to Remember

I realize now as a mother there are those moments when your child is growing up that you think I will always remember this thing they did or what was said.  And then, like so many other moments in life, because of time, work, stress, life, the memory fades.  This is one of those moments I want to remember, because it is fleeting.

Jack normally sleeps through the night.  He is two after all.  However, there are those nights when he wakes up needing water or having been startled from his sleep, and I go into his room to comfort him and he wants to be held and rocked for a bit.  It is during those moments at 3am, when I am still half asleep and murmuring to him that it would be wise if he do the same, he starts pointing to my nose saying "Mommy's nose".  He then coos and goes through my entire face "Mommy's chin" "Mommy's eyes" "Mommy's mouth".  In the moment, the annoyance that I am awake in the middle of the night falls away, and all that is left is the adorableness of my little guy realizing he has words for so many things he sees he cannot possibly restrain it to normal daytime hours.  He *typically* gladly goes back to sleep after assuring himself that my entire face is intact.  I pad back to my room, glad I got the extra cuddle, complacent in the knowledge that our nighttime moments will not last forever but the memory will, and the reassurance that all of my facial components are in their correct place.
