Jack has always had a lot of opinions. From the moment he was born, he had definite likes and dislikes. Now, as a two year old he can express those opinions, loudly, and with articulated words.
Case in point, here is a picture of Jack wearing his helmet. I told him he was not allowed to ride his bike or his scooter without wearing it. For some reason he hates the helmet and refuses to wear it. This picture is mid-tantrum. He is not allowed to ride his bike or scooter right now.
This is Jack striking a pose. He is always striking a pose.
Jack is also very specific about what books he will read. He prefers books that are about cars, trains and trucks. He will sit by himself for long, uninterrupted periods just looking at the books making up stories.
This picture is not so much about Jack being opinionated as our dog, Skylos. He is insisting on riding in the stroller during our morning walk. As opposed to, you know, walking. I get opinions from everyone in this house...
Jack hated wearing his hat all winter. It would be freezing and windy, but Jack would be bare headed, telling me he was cold but refusing to put on his hat all the same. Yesterday, it was in the 60s. Sunny. Warm. Jack insisted on wearing his hat (and his coat over the sweater that in and of itself would have been sufficient). He was the most bundled up he had been all year. And he couldn't understand why he was "too hot".
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