Dear Santa

Dear Santa,

I swear I've been a really good boy this year!  I mean I learned to walk and talk!  These are huge developments in a young man's life and recognition should be granted for such large milestones!

I went and saw one of your disciples the other day.  Skylos came with me and acted as good guard dog as we sat on this sketchy dude's lap.

Dad was there too to make sure no tom-foolery happened.  I knew he wasn't the real deal because I could see his hair under his beard, but I let him think I thought he was real.

I'm so glad Mom and Dad took me to your workshop to see you.   I don't understand why I had to dress up and not be in my normal clothes and why we had to stop at this large White House on the way for pictures.

All I wanted to do was DANCE!

I guess this photo is nice.  At least you can see my cool shoes.  I hate it when Mom dresses up... she should only be in yoga clothes, but not with her yoga mat, because that means she is leaving...

Sorry about trying to break into the White House.  I thought I was allowed in EVERYWHERE in DC.  How many people are born and bred in this city?  Don't I get any privileges?

Finally, your workshop is amazing!  The trains around the National Tree are so cool!  I didn't want to leave them. Though I do have a complaint that I was not allowed to play with them.

 Seriously, why won't you let me play with all of the awesome trains!!!  I've been a good boy and had significant cognitive development this year!

Really, this is just pure torture.  Thanks Dad for showing me the cool trains I can't play with.  Awesome.

I was so excited to see you I ran right up to your workshop!  Good thing there was no line!

The inside of your workshop is awesome! 

Even Mom thought so!

And then there is us.  I'm so glad I got to see you.  I know I seemed a bit cold and reserved, but it was all nerves.  You are amazing (but next time, how about a cookie or a candy cane at the end of the visit?)

For Christmas, I would like cars, trucks, trains, books, cookies and an iPad.

Oh, and I'm going to be in Michigan over Christmas, so if you can somehow drop my gifts off early before I leave that would be great.  I know I've been a good boy and therefore feel my request for special dispensation regarding delivery of gifts is justified.  It's also got to help you out to deliver some gifts before Christmas, otherwise, how can you get to everyone in one night?  It's so magical!

Thank you, Santa!  I'll leave milk and cookies out for you, but I can't guarantee Skylos and I won't eat the cookies.

