As many of you know, Maria has been undergoing yoga teacher training this fall. She is studying to receive a 200 hour level certification which is proving quite intensive, with all weekend long training sessions, the completion of numerous classes and even homework! Maria tries to have a daily practice at home, but often Jack thwarts her attempts by doing such things as waking up at 5:30 am when she is trying to do her practice. Even attempting to get to a class can be tricky on days Jack refuses to nap or has been sick (like this week) because Maria is exhausted (though she knows going to yoga would be the best thing for her).
Jack has also taken up his own yoga practice. Every day he demands that Maria unroll her yoga mat and then he does some downward facing dogs, a couple of stretches and then headstand. He is quite the little yogi!
Warm up run on the mat |
Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog) |
Variation of Dhanurasana (Bow Pose) |
All that yoga before he was born really paid off! He's a natural!
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