
On Friday, Maria posted about Jack and his yoga skills. He is a natural yogi, and we are very proud of him. On Saturday, we learned Jack also has a future in CrossFit, and perhaps as a gymnast. 

Saturday was the 1-year anniversary of the "box" [gym] where Michael does CrossFit, a workout the blends gymnastics, olympic weight lifting, endurance work, cross training, and a bunch of other stuff. Jack accompanied Michael to the anniversary party and the box, and naturally, Jack had to try out a few of the regular CrossFit movements.

Jack stands atop a 24 inch box, used for box jumps. The box is about as tall as him at the moment, so his jumps required a little help from his dad. But he'l get it on his own soon. 

Jack's first pull-up! Dad was so proud. And yes he was hanging from the bar on his own without me helping. And no, he did not get hurt and yes he loved it. He was celebrated at the box by all the other athletes as a future CrossFit superstar, and one of the coaches was already offering to train him for gymnastics to get him started young.
