As Summer Draws to a Close...

Dear Jack,

The other day during a rare night out with just the two of us, your father and I were talking about you.    We were talking about how much you changed this summer, how you grew from a baby to a little boy and how you continually steal our hearts.  We used Paris as our unofficial start of summer.  When we were there, you could not walk on your own and took your first few steps in our hotel room, basically lurching between the two of us.  By Memorial Day you were off!

And your increased mobility, while a huge part of it, doesn't even begin to describe all of the changes that occurred. You no longer use a bottle.  You can identify certain body parts.  You have molars!  You ate sriracha and liked it (seriously, babies do not eat sriracha).  And you have even started to construct grammatically incorrect sentences: "Cheese...More...More...More!"

In four short months, you went from crawling to running.  You go down slides by yourself, with only me reminding you to sit first.  You bite into apple chunks with the peel still in tact.  You seem to add a word to your vocabulary every single day.  You know how to throw a ball!

We think you are amazing!  Every time you impress us with something new, we wonder who taught you that or if you just figured it out for yourself.  As you "vroom" around the house wheeling your cars, trucks and trains about, we can only wonder what you have in store for us the rest of this year.

Mom & Dad


  1. Kids are like sponges at this age, it always amazes me how quickly they learn. My kids would surprise and sometimes shock me with what they would come out with. Good luck and enjoy every minute


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