Staying in the Frame

We've noted a lot lately that Jack is all over the place.  He moves as fast as the wind (if the wind moved like it was slightly drunk and with its arms up in the air for balance) and never wants to be held back.  I was trying to take some pictures of him yesterday to forward to Michael who is out of town.  It was impossible!  The kid would just not stop long enough to look at the camera and smile.  Nope.  Too much to do and far too much to get into.

Naturally caffeinated and full of sugar.

Nope Mom, too slow!
(Note all of the boxes in the background of all of these pictures.  Moving day is coming soon!)

Missed me again!

Haha!  Got him!  

At least I have one good boy who sits and looks at the camera when asked to.  Thank you Skylos!
The quality of these pictures is not the best, I know.  But I think they are really funny and since this is my blog about my kid, I put them up :)
