Jack the Toddler

I don't know when it happened, but somehow Jack went from being a baby to this kid with opinions and tons of facial expressions.  He has even started to mimic hand gestures (namely mine because I talk so animately with my hands) and incorporate them into his baby talk. 

These are some pictures I snapped today after lunch when Jack crawled under the table and attempted to attack Skylos, only to have Skylos swiftly move away to safety.  (Sky's no fool, he only let's Jack pull and prod him if there is food involved)

I will get you! (See the top of Skylos' tail in the picture)

As Jack is growing older, it is becoming very apparent he is a perfect blend of both Michael and me.  Strawberry blond hair, dimples and chin - all Michael!  Big brown eyes, round face and nose - all Maria.  Incessant need to talk a lot - I think it is safe to say that's a bit of both of us.
