Jack watches C-SPAN, worries about the direction of the nation

Jack watches in despair as House Republicans pass the Boehner Debt Bill, which was promptly tabled in the Senate. Jack is typically not allowed to watch TV, but we made an exception for him to watch this historic, and sad vote. It was his dad's last day as a Capitol Hill employee, and perhaps not a moment too soon. Jack is rightfully concerned about what will happen next week when we reach our national debt ceiling. He is calling on Republicans to come to the table for a serious effort to compromise. Jack thinks the Democrats have already given up a lot in negotiations and have made a real effort to work with Republicans and it is time for the Tea Party to stop obstructing serious legislators and let the Congress do the work of the American people. This is what Jack thinks. He is pretty smart for a 4 month old. After the vote, he got back to the serious business of being a baby and played with his toys before bath & bed time. His parents then celebrated dad's last day as a Congressional staffer, 9 years of being together (they met on July 29, 2002) and six years of marriage (wedding was July 30, 2005).
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