
We are pleased to report that Jack is off to a great start.  He has been with us for about 10 hours now and is of course, just perfect. He is spending most of his time sleeping - we were even able to get a few hours of sleep between 4:30am-7am - and he has fed twice now, once for a quite a while. Maria is recovering like a champ, and we are enjoying every minute of time with our son.

Jack and Maria are now resting, while I work on this website.

Jack sleeping on Maria about 10 hours into the world


  1. Maria, you look gorgeous! Jack looks like the most handsome little man and future Baby Hart husband ever...

  2. How wonderful! Thank you for creating this.. you guys LOOK GREAT! Best of best wishes and hugs! Watery eyes looking at Maria holding the baby! Love you guys!


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